In my master's thesis I’ve been researching the role and the potential of animation in educational process. I was therefore interested in whether animation makes it easier for students to understand the topic they are studying, or if the effect is in fact opposite. In the wider context, I was aditionally researching the topic through exploration of virtual learning environments. The thesis is questioning the possibilities of new ways of teaching based upon the usage of new technology, and is trying to answer the question of how can we use this technology to transfer knowledge and learning materials in a better and easier way. In the practical part of my thesis I created an animated learning material depicting the distillation process. This was the basis for my research/study, to see how animation can influence our undestanding of the given topic and to show the advantages of such learning environment. I conducted the research in five classes of pupils from the Biotechnical educational center in Ljubljana in cooperation with professor Urša Vezjak.