The purpose of this thesis was to research body asymmetries with young ice hockey players. The data obtained are extremely important for every athelte and coach, because they enable precise training planning. The effectivenes of training both significantly increase the targeted work and also prevents a large number of injuries, which are the greatest danger in today's sport.
We studied 48 hockey players aged 9 to 16 years. Everyone was playing hockey at HK Olimpija. For the purpose of the research, we collected data on the body composition of the players with the InBody 720 Tetra Polar 8, the anthropometric characteristics were collected with the 3D body scanners NX16. Using the hydraulic manual dynamometer Jamar we measured the grip of the left and right hands.
The data was processed with the SPSS statistical software package. The obtained result was calculated by the basic statistical parameters, and the pair t test was made between the left and right sides of the body by age groups. We analyzed variance among the groups.
The results of the measurements tell us that in ice hockey there are differences in the symmetry of bodies, which are the difference in maximum grip of left and right palm, the difference in height of right and left shoulder, the difference in circumference of left and right forearm, the difference in circumference of left and right thigh and the difference in circumference of left and right calve. The period when the differences in body symmetries begin to appear, can not be determined.